An SK Letter to Santa!
The glistening holiday season has begun here at CGS, and in our SK class, the spirit of joy and giving is thriving. In a heartwarming CGS tradition that has become a highlight of this festive time, our SKs recently practiced their best printing with letter writing to none other than Santa Claus himself!
The children crafted letters filled with wishes, dreams, and an abundance of holiday cheer. Each piece of paper carried the innocence and excitement that only the pure-hearted enthusiasm of a child can convey. From the most hot off the press toys to heartfelt messages of gratitude, their letters were tokens of innocence and spread the belief in the magic of Christmas.
Once all their letters were done, they took their carefully crafted and heartfelt letters for Santa and dropped them into the mailbox! It was a moment of pure joy as they released their hopes into the care of Canada Post to get their letter to the North Pole’s most important resident!
Days later, the magic returned to their classroom as a reply letter, with the stamp of the North Pole arrived address to our CGS SK class. The room buzzed with excitement as the class read aloud their return letter from Santa and Mrs. Claus. The sparkle in their eyes and the delight on their faces was beyond magical.