Bubble Bubble Pasta Pot!
The children in Early Start have fallen in love with the story “Strega Nona”. We’ve listened to the story many times over the past few weeks on the website storylineonline.net, a wonderful website where movie stars read their favourite children stories aloud. Strega Nona is read by Mary Steenburgen. After listening to the story during circle time, the children were asked to use their memory to help retell the story. They were then asked to do an activity sheet highlighting recall by completing a song the characters sang about the pasta. They also reinforced their fine motor skills and demonstrated their artistic ability by drawing what they remembered from the story. The full-day students had time for even more pasta fun. They spent the afternoon in the kitchen making yummy pasta and then eating it for snack!
Anah, Clare, Dana & Liz
Early Start Teachers
Children’s Garden School