Our busy and helpful students
Junior Kindergarten
Cherry Blossoms
In their art class this week, our Grade 3&4 class finished these beautiful Cherry Blossom pieces. The pieces look fantastic in our CGS hallways, reminding us that spring has sprung.
Senior Kindergarten Dietitian Visit
The SK class had a special visitor this week! Dietitian Carolyn made a special virtual visit and presentation as part of the SK unit on the human body. The students learned about the work of a dietitian. They learned how to make the food we eat healthier and why it’s important to eat healthy food (hint: it’s helps our energy, growth, strength and concentration!) Dietitian (and one of our SK class Mom’s!) Carolyn showed the students the Canada Food Guide and they all worked together to build a healthy breakfast and lunch. The students had so much fun learning about the food they eat and creating their own meals. Thank you Dietitian Carolyn!
Term 3 Extracurricular Clubs
Term 3 Extracurricular Clubs are starting the first week of May. Be sure to check your email inbox for club offerings and sign-up information coming from our main office. We are so excited to get our Term 3 Clubs started!
Our zip-hoodies are still available! These navy hoodies are full-zip, plain in the front with ‘CGS’ on the back. These are a great addition to the CGS uniform or for everyday wear. The hoodies are $60.00 and are available in children’s sizes 2, 4, 8 and 10 in very limited quantities.
If you are interested in purchasing a zip-hoodie for your CGS Star please contact Wanda Thorne at wthorne@cgsschool.com for more information on availability and payment options.