CGS Arts and Nature
Senior Kindergarten
The SK class took their learning outdoors this week. Their nature walk took them around the CGS vicinity in search of various signs of spring and the remaining signs of winter. The students got the obvious signs of each season out of the way very quickly. Finding some of the seasonal signs that are hiding away were still no match for this class though.
Grades 3&4
Music the grade 3/4s worked on harmonizing, composing and Teamwork. With a boomwacker composing challenge. Each team had the challenge of creating a composition that was at least 16 beats and included everyone. The grade 3/4s worked so well together and it was exciting to see the creative compositions they produced.
Our Grade 3&4 class created these beautiful watercolour pieces. The students carefully considered watercolour brushstroke techniques as well as complimentary colour palates.