CGS Classrooms
Early Start
The Early Start students have been learning all about opposites this week. Their lessons have discussed not only the meaning of opposites and why they are important but also some very practical examples. Our wonderful Early Start teachers have taken the opportunity to overlap this with continuing their handwriting work by learning to write some opposites!
Junior Kindergarten
Our JK class participated in a wonderful virtual field trip last week called ‘Super Powers of a Growth Mindset’. What made this field trip even more special was that one of our own CGS parents, Soraiya, was the presenter. Soraiya is an empowerment coach who does speaking engagements and workshops. The class learned what a mindset is and why it is powerful, how making mistakes help us learn, some pretty amazing inventions that happened because of a mistake, the power of the word ‘YET’ and how important kindness (to ourselves and others) is.
The interactive presentation was followed with a great question and answer time and also included affirmations and colouring pages that the students could take home with them. The class loved the presentation! You can find more information about Soraiya at iG @soraiyavasanji @rairaiofsunshine, FB @soraiya.vasanji @soraiyaV or join the @MommyMindsetSquad for inspiration and summits.
Senior Kindergarten
As part of their math unit our SK class used cubes and ‘found items’ in their classroom to learn non-standard units of measurement. They worked in teams to make their measurements and learned how to accurately document their findings.
Grade 2
To commemorate International Women’s Day the Grade 2 class created Word Clouds. During their lesson the students were tasked with choosing a woman in their life that they respect and admire. After listing the many adjectives that they feel represents the woman they admire, they used a word cloud generator to create the word cloud in a specific shape. They each decorate the word cloud with a special drawing of that person as well.