CGS Classrooms this week

Early Start

The Early Start students have been working on patterning, number recognition and sequence! They have also been continuing their cutting practice as well, with great success!

Junior Kindergarten

Getting ready for spring, the JK class learned all about butterflies this week. Using Play-Doh to make the lifecycle stages of a butterfly, they made the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly stages.

Senior Kindergarten

As part of their outdoor education curriculum, our SK class was tasked with creating some beautiful, nature based spring egg art pieces.
The class read the book ‘The Easter Egg’ by Jan Brett and then took a walk to collect pieces of nature that they could find and used their collections to create their piece.

Grade 1

This week, our Gr 1 class became private investigators in search of missing bunnies here at CGS. The students were tasked with creating a ‘Missing Bunny’ ad complete with an identifying ‘photo’ and a reward!

Grade 2

The Grade 2’s recently did some outdoor education/STEM. As part of their ‘Animals’ science unit, they decided to make bird nests. The class went outside to collect some pieces of nature, then came inside to watch a video of birds making nests. They put our creativity and imagination to the test using the natural materials they collected to make bird nests.