CGS Family Skate Night Is Back!
CGS has long awaited its return, and we are so thrilled to finally have our annual Family Skate Night back! After the last 3 years of no skating or CGS community socializing, this past Friday March 31st our Parent’s Association hosted our Family Skate Night at UCC and it was a huge hit!
We are very thankful we got private access of UCC’s great large ice rink and relaxing upstairs lounge for our evening of family fun. It was so wonderful to see so many families participating and connecting within our CGS community. We loved seeing all our happy students not just interacting on the ice but in the lounge with our big pizza party dinner, hot cocoa and colouring activities!
We hope you all enjoyed the family fun night of skating and socializing! Thank you so much to all the CGS PA Volunteers who organized such an incredible event, you all really made this night “smooth as ice”! Thank you all for coming, and we cannot wait to for this event next year!