CGS Health and Wellness Day

In preparation for our Mental Health and Wellness Day, our JK students made colourful, cut out hearts. If a student sees a ‘friend in need’ they can share a colourful heart with them and be a ‘friend indeed’. The students put their own name on the back of their hearts so that their ‘friend in need’ will know exactly who is thinking of them. A big part of Health and Wellness is sharing love, comfort and support with those around us.

Early Start

As part of our Mental Health and Wellness Day, our Early Start students practiced calming, deep breathing and during their wellness workshop with Cynthia they completed the Self-Love Scavenger Hunt worksheet.


All of our classes participated in a yoga class. Yoga teacher Mai used the lotus flower technique to enhance sensory focus. The students placed a lotus flower on their tummy and began by watching the flower move up and down with the breath. During the class the students were invited to continue to focus on the movement of the lotus flower while keeping their eyes closed. This practice brings mindfulness to each inhale and exhale. Our JK students especially enjoyed their yoga practice.

Mindfulness Workshop

Our classes all took part in a Mindfulness or Wellness Workshop with Cynthia from Goldminds. During the workshop, our Grade 1 class had some fun shaking their sillies out. They practiced mindful breathing and focus and worked through their booklet on self-validation and how to love yourself.

Rock Painting and Mindfulness Poster Making

Our Grade 2 class made their own ‘Grounding Stone’ as part of Mental Health and Wellness Day. They could choose to work alone or in groups and they researched their ideas before selecting their stone and getting paint. Grounding Stones have been proven to help with sensory focus as well as anxiety and stress relief. The class also made some poster art to remind them of positive messages.

Play Dough

As part of Mental Health and Wellness Day, our Grades 3&4 class made Play dough. The students had so much fun mixing 1 cup of flour, half a cup of salt and half a cup of water mixed in gradually. They added food colouring to really personalize their play dough. Play Dough has been known for its therapeutic properties. The hand motor movements provide a kinesthetic response that can enhance the development of mindfulness.