CGS Speech Contest 2022

CGS held our annual Speech Contest for Grades 2-4. Each student prepared a speech of between 2-4 minutes on a topic of their choice. The classroom teachers expertly guided students on their topic choice and talked to the students about the building blocks of a good speech, how to engage your audience and the fundamentals of syntax and enunciation … and to always find a way to make people laugh!

Finalists were chosen when the students presented their speeches last week in their classrooms. Speeches were presented on everything from wanting a pet bunny, the history of volleyball and the benefits of summer vacation to the background and history of Persian rugs! Principal Marie and the classroom teachers gave each student helpful feedback and announced who would continue to the speech contest finals.

Our finalists had a few days to work on the feedback that they received and arrived at school today in their number one dress, all ready to strut their stuff. Special thanks to our CGS Support for the additional camera and speaker help which made the virtual contest a success! Our distinguished judges and the finalist parents joined our classes for the virtual presentation.

Special thanks to our distinguished panel of judges for their commitment to nurturing these budding public speakers and to our fantastic teachers for their work with the students. Congratulations to all of our finalists for their wonderful performance today which made for some very difficult decision making by our judges. A big congratulations to our class winners! We are so proud of every single one of you.