CGS Term 2 Ribbon Recipients!

Congratulations to all our CGS Term 2 Ribbon Recipients! Today we gathered in the gym to recognize some of our outstanding students for their growth and hard-working achievements from the past school term.

Our Student Government executed a well-organized assembly that showcased our shining stars from Term 2! We are so proud of their courage and bravery to get up on stage in front of the whole student body and present!

CGS has eleven different categories for students to be acknowledged in for their continual efforts. Those categories are Arts, Courtesy, Character, Good Cheer, Music, Progress, Helping Hands, Sportsmanship, French, House Spirit, and Academic Achievement. This Terms Ribbon Ceremony also had an additional category for all our Talent Show Participants! CGS loves to see how proud everyone is of their achievements from their great big smiles and cheers!

What we loved most about this assembly was watching all our JK to Grade 4 students cheering and supporting this terms hard working and courageous friends all together in the audience. We hope our CGS ribbon recipients are proud of their great achievements and growth this term. We are so delighted to have had everyone dressed in their best to receive their achievement ribbons!

Have a look at our proud Term 2 Ribbon Recipients!