CGS This Week

Early Start

In Early Start aftercare we have big imaginations! The Early Start children made computers with paper, crayons, and a lot of imagination! Their computer knowledge was amazing! They typed with two hands, talked about downloading, emailing and even having a meeting!

Senior Kindergarten

As part of their unit on the human body, our SK class learned all about some basic E.R. diagnosis techniques. The class was visited by one our the E.R. doctors at SickKids Hospital – also one of our SK Moms! The students learned about some of the tools that a doctor uses to make a diagnosis – stethescope, otoscope, endoscope, x-ray, ultrasound – how to use them and how to decide the best tools to use. The students were excited to learn and had so many questions for the doctor. Thank you for your visit Dr. Alisha!

Grade 1

As part of their science unit, the Grade 1’s have continued to learn about plants. The students discussed photosynthesis and how it is important not only for a plant to make food for itself, but also how it is essential for all living things in order to survive (for oxygen and food!). It was a vibrant and inquisitive discussion. The students then ‘planted’ their own bean seed. The students will be able to watch each step of the plant life cycle right before their eyes on the classroom window sill. Such a fun time to be in Grade One!

Grades 3&4

The Grades 3&4 class performed an explosive STEM experiment this week. Filling a ziploc bag with vinegar, they went outside and added baking soda before dropping it onto the sidewalk. It was fun to watch the explosions!

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Administrative Professionals Day was Wednesday, April 27. The day is an opportunity to acknowledge and thank those who support everything we do here at CGS! We are so lucky to have our Executive Assistant, Zandée, looking after us here at CGS. Zandée does everything from keeping our library in order to helping us feel better when we are not well. 
Our Grade 1 class brought in Marie, Wanda and Zandée to say a special ‘Thank You’ and give them each a card signed by everyone in the class!

Remember that our CGS Extracurricular Clubs Begin Next Week! 


CGS Families! Don’t forget to get your Ice Cream Thursday donations in. Our CGS student government is hosting this wonderful initiative and all proceeds will go towards helping the children of Ukraine. If your child is interested in enjoying ice cream at school on Thursdays, please email Zandée at Donations for the full 4 weeks can be e-transferred to