CGS This Week

Senior Kindergarten – Arctic Landscape

Our SK class created an Arctic Landscape with pastels. These beautiful pieces included polar bears and pastel colours for the Northern Lights.

Gr 1  – Where the Wild Things Are

Last week, our Grade 1‘s read “Where the Wild Things Are’ and discussed various things that we do ‘when we feel wild’. The students came up with loads of silly and fun things they do (run and climb a tree,  jump on my bed, roll around and laugh, etc). The next day, the students created their own ‘Max’ and wrote about a time when they felt like a wild thing. We love how they all turned out so differently!

This work is part of their social skills learning, recognizing our emotions and how we feel during difficult and even tricky situations and thinking of ways we can manage these emotions and feelings positively.

Gr 3&4 Art 

The Grades 3&4 class made these gorgeous mixed media Poinsettias using a variety of materials including paint, markers, tissue paper, glue and styrofoam balls. They focused on the element of texture by layering materials to create these pieces. These poinsettias were inspired by artist, Georgia O’Keeffe who famously painted many flowers up close to highlight their beautiful details.

Student Elections

Posters were displayed, speeches were made and campaigns were completed. Our CGS students voted today on their student leaders. Congratulations to everyone who campaigned and to our new student elected government!