CGS Wellness Day Term 3 2023

Can you believe we are already halfway through our last term of the school year! What better way to celebrate than with a Wellness and Mental Health Day as a reward!

A lot of our students took this day to reflect on their contributions to our society, our community and the lands we share and live on with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. All our students reflected inwards to relish in what makes them happy, what fills their cup, and how to emanate kindness.

Whether it was meditation sessions, positive pinwheels with Mai, connection and reflection webs, creative art pieces and molds, or journalling their thoughts, all of our students took time to reflect on their own beings and lended a listening ear to their peers during sharing circles.

CGS is a strong believer that mindfulness used and incorporated daily can help our youth grow into the most courageous and kindest versions of themselves. Today our CGS shining stars showed their growth by reflecting and resetting their intentions for their best future selves.