Classes this week

Welcome Back! Everyone was so happy to finally be able to be back to in-person learning. Thank you to all our families who have been so conscientious about submitting their Covid screenings nice and early and to our students and staff for their diligence and care in our classrooms and hallways.

Grades 1 and 2: Tiger Art

Last week the Grades 1 and 2’s were inspired by artist Henri Rousseau and his famous painting ‘Tiger in a Storm or Surprised!’. They discussed the power of our imagination to transport us to different places. Rousseau used his imagination to create many scenes in his paintings. Although he had only seen the tigers and foliage in the zoo and botanical gardens, he was able to create this wonderful scene of a tiger ready to pounce on his prey in a lush tropical jungle. Each student’s artwork tells such a different story about their tiger.

Early Start

The Early Start class made a seamless pivot to online learning during our two snow days this week. The students continued with their reading time, phonics and writing work. They even had a fun science experiment making ‘Magic Milk’ with Cheryl.

Junior Kindergarten

The JK’s have been continuing to work hard on their words and took full advantage of having their siblings around for extra help during our snow days this week. The students are also filling their ‘Smile Jar’ each day with something that has put a smile on their face.

Grade 1

Every Monday the Grade Ones write a journal entry. This week they were asked to write: If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? The submissions were incredible. A phoenix or a bat – so they could fly, a made-up mystical animal called a merunifairycat, or a dog, so they can go outside and play in the snow without a coat!

For MLK Day, the Grade 1 class spent some time discussing Martin Luther King Jr. They talked about who he was and what he did as well as why it is so important to commemorate the day. The class also watched videos which sparked even more thoughtful discussions. The students wrote some of their own Dreams for a better future. Above are some of their inspiring submissions!

Family Literacy Day 

Thursday, January 27 is national Family Literacy Day. Literacy is the greatest skill a parent can give to their child. It is the foundation for creativity, expression, lifelong learning and well-being. Spending time in nature provides many benefits, not just for bodies, but for minds too. This year, get outside and exercise both your mind and body together as a family. You can make outdoor time fun family learning time all while enjoying the wonders of Canada’s Great Outdoors!

Let us know what your family will be doing for Family Literacy Day. Send your ideas, plans and pictures to Wanda at so that we can spotlight you on our social media and in our CGS community!