Classroom Check In

Early Start

The Early Start students are learning to be “generous”! With the holidays approaching, the Early Starts took great pride in learning this month’s CGS character trait. The students came up with many reasons to be generous and listened to a wonderful story online called George the Generous Giraffe.


JK Teamwork

Teamwork is so important to our JK class! This week for Teamwork Tuesday, the JK students worked in partners to solve a puzzle that they made themselves! Each student created a beautiful work of art that the teachers turned into a puzzle. The students then worked together to put their puzzles back together. We love seeing our learners working so well together!


SK Chefs

Our SK chefs were hard at work this week! They worked in groups to decorate gingerbread houses together. The SK class frequently learns through cooking in their “kitchen chemistry” classes. Cooking is a great way to connect concepts learned in class with real life.


Grade 2-4

Our grade 2-4 class has been working on procedural writing, with a holiday twist. While procedural writing often provides instructions on how to complete an everyday task, this time the students really used their imaginations and wrote a piece called How To Catch an Elf. Each student developed their own plan for catching an elf, then wrote the steps in order with enough detail that somebody could complete the steps themselves. The students really showed their creativity!