Courage Superheroes
Thank you to our Grade 1 Courage Superheroes. They hosted our first student-led virtual Character Edcucation assembly on Monday. They did a wonderful job - Lisa and Michelle M put together such a creative program, starting off with the children signing O Canada. As you know we can't sing indoors and to share the national anthem together in this way was very moving. The children shared inspiring quotes about courage while displaying the Georgia O'Keefe sunflowers they made in art class and then they showed us their super-fun Courage Superhero video. They talked about the courage they needed to do many things including, meeting new people, doing challenging school work, speaking another language and eating olives! Everyone is getting so good at handling virtual events now that even the one student absent the day of the assembly got to chime in from home to say their lines. Well done Grade 1's!
'To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage.'
~ Georgia O'Keefe