Early Start Can Do Hard Things
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the office shares virtual morning announcements with the Early Start class so we can stay connected. On Thursdays in particular, we focus on We Can Do Hard Things. Here is the latest list from the children when they were asked to share what they’re finding hard right now. It’s hard to remember what it feels like to be 3 years old and we’re incredibly lucky to have the Early Starts to remind us. FYI Early Starts – catching a bunny rabbit will always be hard, even when you grow up!
Opening the fridge
Climbing a tree
Catching a bunny rabbit
Building 900-piece lego
Opening my chocolate
Playing all by myself
Balancing on one foot
Carrying a big bowl to help mummy
Putting away my big toys
Hopping on one foot
Going to bed
Blowing up balloons
Riding my bike in the snow
Doing schoolwork with Papa
Waiting for the holidays
Jumping over puddles
Sharing with my brother
Zipping up my jacket