End of March Madness!
After a long deserved 2-week spring break, our students have had a fun packed last week of March! Back to school always brings a bright and refreshing energy, which is exactly what we all needed for this busy week! We’ve had field trips, swimming lessons, special birthdays, new students, assemblies, first musical rehearsals, a day at the theatre and ended the week with free dress and House Games! Not to mention the wonderful hard work all our students have been doing in their classrooms too!
Have a look at some of the fun activities our students have been a part of this week!
Our Grade 2 to 4 student went on a field trip to the Young Peoples Theatre! They got to enjoy their current production of “The Darkest Dark”. The theatrical production is an inspiring story about facing your fears and following your dreams. They all really enjoyed their afternoon watching some live theatre!
We had the great pleasure of welcoming a new student and family to our CGS Community all the way from Texas! Warm welcomes everyone to our new SK student!
Free Dress Fridays are fun to show our unique personalities!
Our students have gotten back into the swing of class work and look at how focused they all are! Our Early Starts worked through a bunch of new sensory bins, and our SKs have started a new unit learning all about coding!!
Our field day Friday unfortunately was conducted inside due to the rainy weather, but that didn’t stop our grade 1-4s from working together and having a lot of fun!
Our end of the month House Games for March was themed “March Madness”! All 4 schoolhouses worked through team warm up exercises before they jumped into our ball in the basket relay challenge! Our teams cheered each other on showing all their great school spirit!