Fabulous Foxes
Dear CGS Parents,
It‘s been an amazing first term teaching art to your children. It has also been a pivotal one for me as a teacher. Finding creative ways to teach in the middle of a pandemic has been a truly new experience. We’ve had classes online and outside, no matter what the weather, all the while having tons of fun. Over the course of these months, your children have inspired me, not just with their artistic talents, but with their ability to adapt to this new normal. They have produced so many beautiful pieces. These stunning pastel drawings of foxes in winter were done by the Grade 2/3 class online last week. Just like the fox, your children have adapted to living the new normal, just like a fox in winter! Clearly, a pandemic will not stop us from learning and creating art.
As we spend more time in our houses in the days to come, may we surround ourselves with beautiful art and find joy in the company of our loved ones.
Wishing you all a happy, safe and restful winter holiday!
Carrie Laureola
Art Teacher
Children’s’ Garden School