Financial Literacy and Kids

Knowing the value of money is a lesson that’s important to learn at any age. Our Senior Kindergartens were treated to a “Mystery Guest” this week as one of our parents presented a talk on Financial Literacy. It’s never too soon to develop wise money habits to start planning for a secure financial future!

Shuling suggested using four jars as a way to allocate money that the children may already have. The kids learned about saving, investing, spending, and sharing their money, and how there are benefits and trade-offs to each decision they make.

The kids were given play money to allocate to each of the jars and were able to decide where each dollar should go. The class had similar goals, yet it was pretty tempting to want to put money in the “spend” jar! The SKs were also given real-life situations and encouraged to face hard facts if they want a toy that cost $5.00 yet they only had $3.00.

Every single SK student was given their own piggy-bank to bring home with them. Shuling shared two-loonies with each child; ONE to keep for their piggy bank and ONE to share with our Terry Fox Campaign to raise funds in anticipation for the BIG WALK next Friday!

As a group, the SKs walked over to the office and one-by-one deposited their coin into the jar for the Terry Fox Foundation. (Last year, CGS raised the 9th highest dollar amount for an elementary school in Ontario…$20,000! Considering the size of our CGS community, that’s a huge amount of money that our community shared!)

CGS is so grateful for our frequent parent volunteers who seamlessly enter the classroom to become our educators on various topics throughout the school year. THANK YOU, Shuling!