Finding Happy Moments at Home

It’s been an absolute whirlwind for everyone since returning to school after March Break but our CGS Spirit at Home is strong. We made it through Week 3! We’ve shared Joke Tuesdays, circle time, Spell Wells and birthdays. The CGS Staff have been working feverishly behind the scenes to develop and deliver our online learning program. We have learned a tremendous amount in these initial weeks and look forward to continuing to add to the program as we go. All schools have moved to online programming but at CGS we are facing the unique challenge of providing online learning for very young children. We have to be extremely mindful of parents’ schedules, levels of student independence with technology and too much screen time for young minds. As early years educators, we are adjusting to this very new reality. We miss the children so much but the smiles on our students’ faces – during their live sessions and in the photos parents are kindly sending us – make it all worthwhile. Keep finding (and sharing) those happy moments at home CGS!