Google HQ
The Grade 2/3’s had a very special experience last week! They filled up their reward jar and as their prize for such good behaviour, we took them to the Google head office downtown for a special coding lesson and tour! We are so fortunate to know Armaan and Naya’s dad Anuj who works at Google and kindly facilitated this for us. The class was beyond excited as we arrived and split into groups to take turns touring the office and do coding. Using the program Scratch, the students each created their own animation stories including movement, sound and design. Anuj led each group around the office where we saw so many amazing things including a secret room, video conferencing and a rooftop mini golf course! We also talked a lot about the importance of health and wellness in the workplace and saw many ways in which the Google employees balance their workload and stay healthy. A special thank you to Armaan and Naya who led us through the visit by giving us an informative introduction and being such responsible tour guides. This is certainly a day the Grade 2/3 class will not soon forget. Thank you so much Anuj!
Grade 2/3 Teachers
Children’s Garden School