Grade 1 Guess Who?
As part of the Grade 1 Health curriculum, we are learning about Human Growth and Development. During Thursday’s Health class, we discussed the four stages of human development and how we change as we grow older. Before Thursday’s class, I had asked the Grade 1 parents to send in baby photos of the students. We got a great response from the parents; the photos were amazing! I showed the class each photo, then the students had to guess who the person was, including their age and what stage of human development they were at in the photo, e.g. infancy. Some of the photos were easily recognisable, while some photos were trickier to identify. We even guessed some of the teacher’s baby photos! Everyone had so much fun guessing who was in the photos. Thank you to all the parents and teachers who sent photos in.
Steve Walter
Physical Education Teacher
Children’s Garden School