Grade 1 Spotlight! Neighbourhood Clean Up Activists!
It’s time to recognize how amazing some of our students are when they take on big world initiatives! Our Grade 1 students have been learning all about community. What a community means, how it works, how they are involved, and how they can take care of their community! They are learning about their responsibility to their community and ways that they can act to enhance the community. While also learning about Earth Day last week, they have learned that it is so important to take care of their environment because it is their home. They really started to understand that we need to treat our Earth right if we want the best and healthiest place to live! They also have also been talking about a contrasting realm of what our Earth would look like if we did not care about our environment and community!
Throughout their current learnings they brought their excitement out of the classroom, and they took on the initiative for a Neighbourhood Clean Up. It was actually their own original idea to do so! Their love, care and concern for their community and our Earth sparked such a collective community service that they all were excited and thrilled to actively be a part of. They sure are smart cuties that want to make sure they are helping! Their teacher Angela, and our whole CGS school and community is very proud of them for being positive activists for keeping our Earth clean, safe and healthy!
Here’s some of our Grade 1 Clean Up Activists!