Grade 2/3 Meets ‘TED’

The Grade 2/3’s were introduced to TED talks on Wednesday. They were a little surprised when we weren’t actually meeting with a man named TED! We listened to ‘A Life Lesson From a Fire Fighter’ presented by volunteer firefighter, Mark Bezos. Mark spoke about how we don’t need to do big things to make a difference. The children thought Mark was very funny and wanted to watch his talk again. After the video, the children shared times they have done small things to make a difference. We also discussed things they could do moving forward. We loved hearing that some children already shovel the snow for their neighbours, or make breakfast in bed for their parents.
The follow-up activity for the TED talk was to make something with their own two hands. This links back to the Martin Luther King Day activity we did last week on how we can change the world with just ‘our own two hands’. Some children made things out of LEGO or playdough, some wrote menus, made board games and cards for their parents or toys for their siblings. Some even made a meal/snack for a family member. These small deeds go such a long way. Keep it up Grade 2/3’s!
Taylor, Michelle & Heather
Grade 2/3 Teachers
Children’s Garden School