Grade 4 Eventscape Adventure
The Grade 4’s had a very cool field trip to a place called Eventscape this month. Thank you to Eventscape owner Gareth Brennan, and metal shop foreman Steve Crilly, for making the visit possible. Eventscape is a custom architectural fabrication company in Toronto’s west end and the visit tied in perfectly with the Grade 4 STEAM curriculum. Science, technology, engineering, art and math are used in all aspects of the work done at Eventscape. The children started off their visit in the boardroom where they were intrigued to see the maquettes for a public art commission called ‘Born and Raised’ built by Eventscape last year. (Maybe you’ve seen the giant Snowmen outside The Livmore Tower at Bay and Gerrard?) The children learned how the snowmen were taken from concept, to making, to installation. Next, they headed out for a tour of the facilities, but not before they were each assigned a ‘job’ necessary to complete a typical Eventscape project. They needed an architect (Gavin), an artist (Briony), an engineer (Riley), a project manager (Michelle), and a contractor (Armaan). The children visited the media and design departments, where they learned that the designers work on a program called SOLIDWORKS to create the drawings required before anything can be built. Then it was off to the wood shop where the children saw Daryl carve the CGS logo into wood with a brand new, very high tech, hand-held CNC machine. They also saw a huge machine that uses heat to bend wood and plastic! Then it was off to the metal shop where they got to bend metal as well as see a mock up of a huge installation coming soon to the Cleveland Cavaliers stadium! Final stop was the building that houses the biggest CNC machines at Eventscape. The kids were thrilled to see their very own CGS medallions cut by a laser before their very eyes (with safety glases on of course). We’re sorry we couldn’t show you more of what we saw inside the shops but photos aren’t allowed. Many of the projects Eventscape is working on have yet to be completed and images cannot be released to the public. We were lucky to catch a glimpse of so many cool things in progress! A huge thank you to everyone at Eventscape for sharing their expertise with the Grade 4’s and for making CGS feel so welcome.