Hallowe’en Fun at CGS
CGS has been gearing up to Hallowe’en fun for over a week now. Our SK Arts & Crafts Club creating their Mummies (picture), the Grade 2’s and their slime creation, the Grades 3&4’s and their masks!
Our CGS PA provided some fantastic outdoor decorations that have set off the Hallowe’en festivities. Many thanks to Devon and the CGS PA! Don has been busy keeping the outside of the CGS building ready for the celebrations and each of our classrooms created outstanding Hallowe’en displays.
Marie joined the SK and JK classes today to read the ‘How the Crayons Saved the School’. The story describes a school that was full of only grey coloured crayons. After some teachers got to work the school became full of crayons of all colours! At the end of each reading the students moved their teachers to tears by thanking them for making CGS school so colourful!
Some of our classes took a Hallowe’en Parade Walk
Grade 1’s
Senior Kindergarten
Our all school Halloween fun took place on Teams Friday at 2:30-3:00 PM. In their classrooms, students sat in their house teams to participate in several games and competitions earning the winners house points. Our Judges – Simon and Tony – moved from class to class.
Mani’s turtle assistants, Sally and Hubert, were also in costume. Grades 1-4 had a pumpkin drawing competition. The JKs and SKs did a pumpkin coloring contest.
Some of our amazing CGS costumes. We are working on a Photo Gallery to display our fantastic CGS Costumes. Here is just a taste!