Happy Groundhog Day!

This week the Early Starts have been busy making predictions about our weather. We’ve learned that groundhogs are fortune tellers and can predict whether we will have an early spring or be stuck with six more weeks of winter. The Early Starts were divided when asked if they thought the groundhog would see its shadow or not. Half of the class predicted Wiarton Willie may see his shadow on Saturday, February 2 and half were hopeful that he would not. The children drew a picture of their prediction, of what they thought either an early spring or more winter weather might look like. They also painted their own groundhog puppets using watercolours and used them to sing our groundhog song. We are so excited to find out what Wiarton Willie will do on Saturday. We are crossing our fingers for an early spring. Happy Groundhog Day everybody!

Clare, Anah, Liz & Dana
Early Start Teachers
Children’s Garden School