In our classrooms
Early Start
The Early Start class has been working on spring themed mathematics and one-to-one counting. The students have been so attentive in their lessons and it shows in their great work!
Junior Kindergarten
The JK class did a great job completing their weekly estimation sheet. Sara and Meesh place ‘treasure’ inside the Estimation Jar and the students have to estimate the numbers in the jar. The treasure could be anything such as shells, shapes, pencils and this week it was colourful buttons. When the students write about their estimation they are incorporating some special words and are encouraged to label their picture as well.
Senior Kindergarten
The SK class started their unit on the human body this week. They began by learning about our skin, our skull and our brain, how important they are and how they all work together. As part of their unit workbook they created these representations of their own face, skull and brain!
They are enjoying this wonderful felt diorama which is adding so much to the lessons too.
Grade 1
The Grade Ones have begun their unit on Plants this term and have been busy learning about all the parts that make up a plant! Looking at ivy and tulips, the students got to see and touch the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers! The tulips have been opening slowly every day which the students have been excited about as we will be able to show them the seeds that will come from our tulips. They discussed some of the things plants need to survive as they repotted their tulip for the class. The students are so excited about this new unit, and are looking forward to growing a plant of their very own – starting from their own seed! – in the upcoming weeks!
Grade 2
Our Grade 2 class started theiranimals unit this week. Stations were set up in the class which were based on the six animal groups. Student teams worked together at one of the animal group stations to review a fact sheet and special reading. They completed that particular section of their workbook created by their teacher, Michelle. Teams were then tasked with drawing an animal from their station. The class really enjoyed working together in teams and being able to put their creativity into the work as well.
Grades 3&4
Our Grades 3&4 class participated in the Black Creek Pioneer Village virtual program this week. The class learned about the everyday lives and challenges that different communities who lived and worked in 19th century Ontario would have experienced. They discussed food, clothing, education, recreation, work, and even the roles that children would have held. Although it may seem that some things were a lot different then, we still do a lot of the same things today.