Joy in the Classroom!
Welcome to the Grade 4 Blog! The Grade 4’s have been tasked with providing one story per week for the rest of the school year. The correspondent of the week is in charge of choosing their own topic, providing all the written content and making sure they have the pictures they need to support their story. Once they have their story together, they visit Kelly in the office to post their blog. The Grade 4 Correspondents are very excited about their new responsibilities. We’re looking forward to this new perspective on our CGS Blog! Thank you to Gavin for being second up with a really fun story. Enjoy!
Joy is the Grade 4’s Elf on the Shelf. She arrived last week. On the first day that she came, there was a note saying that her name was Joy. She was hiding on the window sill the first time. Everyday she flies to a different place. She is always trying to trick us! My favourite place that she appeared was on the Christmas lights. We wonder where we’re going to find her next. The Grade 4’s love to find Joy!
Gavin McAlpine
Grade 4 Correspondent
Children’s Garden School