Making Gowns for Midwives

Some of you may recognize this lady – it’s Emily’s lovely mum Trish. Trish is an excellent seamstress (just like her daughter!) and she has put her talents to use during COVID 19. Trish was a neonatal nurse for many years at St Joe’s Hospital in Hamilton. When she heard through the grapevine that midwives didn’t have enough access to PPE (like the hospital healthcare workers did) she set to work making isolation gowns and masks right away. When she worked her way through the material she had at home a call went out for people to donate old sheets and she kept going. Not content to make the gowns just white (she got a lot of white sheets), she spiced them up by mixing fabrics and adding sweet details. Thank you to Emily for modelling one of her mum’s creations. Happy Mother’s Day Trish – you are an inspiration.