Monet’s Lilies for The Gala
I hope everyone is excited about the CGS Gala coming up on April 27! The children are already hard at work creating AMAZING art work with Carrie to be auctioned off at the Gala to raise funds for our stage makeover. The JK and SK classes are each working on a lovely canvas in the spirt of Monet’s lilies and the results are just stunning. The final pieces will be under wraps until the week before The Gala, when they will be on display in the foyer. In the meantime, we’ll give you a few sneak peaks at the behind-the- scenes work the children are doing over the next few months. The Early Start and Grades 1-4 classes are working on canvases inspired by other artists. Stay tuned! A huge thank you to Carrie in advance for setting the children up to make such beautiful pieces.