Our CGS Winter Hats Have Arrived!
Our hat order from InSchool Wear has arrived! The hats were packaged up and waiting for the children this morning. The children were very excited to receive them. Reports are unanimous – the hats are very cozy and soft. One student said they felt like chinchilla! Thank you to InSchool Wear for sourcing and cresting this great new addition to our uniform.
Sales were brisk this morning and supplies are limited (we’ve already sold half of what we have) so please let us know in the office if you would like to purchase one. You can also place your order here. Payments can be made via e-transfer to marie@cgsschool.com. Hats can be picked up when you drop off your child, the day after you place your order. Make sure to let us know if it is a surprise for Christmas and we will do the delivery discreetly!
The XL (3-5 years) sample will be on display at the Early Start Door and the XXL (6-8 years) sample will be at the Front Door next week. Samples cannot be tried on or handled so you’ll have to make your best guess. The circumference measurements below should be helpful. They are also adjustable.
XL (3-5 years) 51-54cm circumference
XXL (5-8 years). 54-57cm circumference