October Character Trait: Integrity
Our CGS Early Start‘s spent some time last week talking about what integrity means and ways that they can act with integrity in their everyday life.
Ping plants his seed and tends it every day. But month after month passes, and nothing grows. When spring comes, Ping must go to the Emperor with nothing but an empty pot. Demi’s exquisite art and beautifully simple text show how Ping’s embarrassing failure is turned triumphant in this satisfying tale of honesty rewarded.
When we introduced the character trait Integrity and gave examples of the way we can show integrity, the children immediately mentioned Terry Fox as an example. We used words such as kind, loyal, perseverance, honest, responsible, and respectful and gave examples of situations where we can show this trait at school such as the buddy bench and looking out for a friend.
The Grade 2’s adopted the motto “do the right thing even when no one is watching”. They have spent time discussing what this looks like at home, at school and in our community. The Grade 2’s also read the story “The Empty Pot” and, as part of their discussions, they posted their thoughts about integrity in words and pictures. Their work, along with a synopsis of the story, hanging in the hallway at CGS has served as a daily reminder to us all about how to practice integrity at every opportunity.
The character trait for November is APPRECIATION. Stay tuned for the many ways our amazing CGS teachers incorporate the trait of appreciation in their classrooms over the next few weeks.