Olympic Day Spirit

Olympic Day was a huge success last Friday. After a round of live, well-attended dance parties and a very enthusiastic school cheer, the students were on their way. The pictures came flooding in! First, the neighborhood scavenger hunt had students searching their surroundings for everything on their lists. (We were happy to see the rain didn’t slow them down.) Then, amazing homemade obstacle courses were set up in living rooms and backyards. They were a delight to watch. (Thank you to Steve for creating the course template for everyone.) And then for the big finish, CGS logos everywhere! It was an amazing day, thank you for sharing all your pictures and video. House points galore! It was a close race heading into Olympic Day so it’s anybody’s game. Stay tuned for the final tally and big House winner of the 2019/20 school year on June 16th. Steve will be announcing the winner during the final class Assemblies.
Liz Bullen-Farkas
Olympic Day Co-Convenor
Children’s Garden School

And a really cute obstacle course video to finish off!

Here’s to our CGS Spirit at Home! Thank you Everybody.