Optimism for January
This JK and SK art was inspired by the book ‘Positive Ninja’ as part of our focus on Optimism – the CGS character trait for January. The story ‘Positive Ninja’ is about a ninja who imagines putting her negative thoughts in a balloon and letting them go. The students drew themselves as ninjas floating into the sky with a bunch of balloons. The students learned that when we turn our negative thoughts into positive ones, we are much lighter.
JK Character Portrait
The JK class is continuing their focus on Optimism for the month of January. Their building challenge this week was to build an optimistic self-portrait. They have been creating their character portraits to reflect the opportunity and optimism that the future holds for each of them. Their portrait represents what they would like to be when then grow up and is based on things they love about themselves and the world around them.
Gratitude Jar
To commemorate our first Gratitude Thursday of 2022 (and back in-person!) we have been busy with new additions to the CGS Gratitude Jar. From Early Start through Grade 4 the students have been writing down what they are grateful for and bringing it to the Gratitude Jar which is filling up with positivity and optimism for the year ahead.