Remembrance Day Assembly
CGS recognized Remembrance Day today. The students have been learning all week about the meaning of Remembrance Day and how important it is to recognize both our Veterans and those who continue to serve. A Remembrance Day display was placed outside for students and families to view as they came into school. This included the CGS Garden of Remembrance and Peace, with a garden of poppies and a sky full of doves made by our students.
We were pleased to welcome our families back into the school to mark this important day with us. Our Student Government met visitors at the door and offered poppies for those who didn’t have them.
Our marking of the day continued with an assembly and performance from the older children. Students from SK – Grade 4 participated in the assembly in various ways. Students did a reading of “In Flanders Field” and performed several songs on the theme of peace. We were so proud of our students for their dedication in learning their songs and contributing to the art projects.