Rocks & Minerals
This term, the Grade 4 students were introduced to the world of geology in our Rocks and Minerals science unit. Throughout the unit, the class completed various activities that helped them examine the different types of rocks and minerals found in the earth’s crust. We were lucky enough to have many samples of rocks and minerals to investigate! One of the highlights of this exploration for the children was examining and testing various properties of rocks and minerals such as colour, lustre, streak, transparency and hardness. The students also learned about the three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, and how they are formed, along with the rock cycle. The Grade 4s discussed how rocks and minerals are used by humans in society today and how our use affects the environment. They were amazed to learn about all the different ways we use rocks and minerals in our daily lives. To end this intriguing unit, the students will be growing their very own crystals in the upcoming weeks. This hands on unit was a big hit in our classroom!
Michelle Luke
Grade 4 Teacher
Children’s Garden School