Science Extravaganza
Science was everywhere yesterday at CGS. The gym was full to the brim with the culmination of so much hard work. Congratulations to all of the Science Fair participants. (Parents ~ thank you for supporting the kids over the last several weeks to get their experiments done.) There was a wide variety of projects on display, including the effects of video games on the brain, lava lamps and how they work, a solar powered robot, and the best type of cleaner. FYI vinegar and water wins every time, there’s no need to buy fancy cleaners! A very special thank you to our guest panel of judges: Alan Yu, a science enthusiast with a degree in Environmental Studies, Scott Christie, an Engineer who was a part of building the Canada Arm, and Jamie Temos, former Science & Technology teacher at CGS and old friend. They were blown away by the work the children did. The format was a little different this year – the children presented their projects one by one to an audience of their peers and the judges. It was a more focused experience for everyone and we hope the children enjoyed the presentation part of the day. The judges were very happy to hear each child present their findings with no distractions. Once the judging was done, the children headed to their own spot at the tables and answered questions for the JK/SK’s and parents. The awards presentation is scheduled for Team Meeting on Monday morning. Thank you to Heather, Rim and Lisa for putting together this great event for the children.