Spirit Week Wrap-Up

Spirit Week Doors and Bulletin Boards

Each class had a special word for the week – Sensational / Passionate / Incredible / Resilient / Inspirational / Team – and decorated doors and bulletin boards with their word theme. The office joined in the fun too!

Welcome Greeters and Decorations

Every day started with some of our amazing Grades 3&4’s greeting students. Sara A. had beautiful decorations outside based on the Spirit Day theme of the day. Spirit Days ended with a Dance Party wrap up.


Our Spirit Week awards ceremony was presented by Mani. A beautiful slideshow overview was played, and awards were given for special achievements in decorating, sports, and team spirit. Congratulations to all our awards recipients!

Story Time with Marie

CGS Spirit Week wrapped up with a ‘Story Time with Marie’. Marie read all the classes the story ‘Why Not You?’ written by footballer Russell Wilson and his wife Ciara. The story encourages everyone to dream and believe that those dreams can happen. Everyone was challenged to be confident, persevere and dare to shoot for the stars!

A huge THANK YOU!! to Mani and Sara A. for all of the planning and coordinating that made our CGS Spirit Week 2022 such a big success!