Star Constellations and Affirmation Station

Our CGS Grade 1’s have been busy learning all about space! Last week our Grade 1’s discussed the constellations and that they are a group of stars that look like they make a picture or pattern in the sky. The children learned how stars were used many years ago for navigation and that many of the named constellations are of animals. Our Grade 1’s then went on to create their own constellation! Using marshmallows and toothpicks, the students had so much fun making and naming their creations. Learning about and creating their own constellations tied in perfectly with our “Astronomy in Action” trip, in which the Grade 1’s had a blast! Did you know that our CGS Houses are all named after constellations?

This week the Grade 1’s were challenged during their STEM period with creating a table out of newspapers that could hold up a mini pumpkin for 10 seconds! The children got right to work! Some assigned jobs like architect, engineer, and manager to each other, some drew out their plans first, and others just jumped right into the action!
In the end, we did manage to create some tables that were able to support the weight of our mini pumpkins! The Grade 1’s discovered what each table had in common to be successful… Rolled newspapers! We discussed as a class how rolling the newspaper makes it become stronger, which can then support weight! What an amazing time to be in Grade 1 at CGS!

The Grade 2 Affirmation Station

I am brave. I am strong. I am resilient. 
I can do hard things.
I am loved. I am creative. I am smart.
I am kind. I am joyful. I am unique.
I am enough.

An affirmation is a short, yet empowering phrase that you say or think about yourself. The Grade 2 students have been exploring affirmations, visiting the station through the day in their classroom. The Affirmation Station is one of the most popular components of the Grade 2 classroom and is available for students whenever they need it. The Affirmation Station gives students the power of self-confidence and self-worth as they look at themselves in the mirror and speak the affirmations. The practice helps them to think and believe positive things about themselves. Along with fostering a growth mindset, helping our students develop their self-esteem is one of the most impactful lessons we will teach, and it is sure to stay with them for years to come.