Student Government Meeting
Student Government
The CGS student government is an important part of the CGS community. The government is made up of a Mayor, a Deputy Mayor, a Grade One Councillor, and a Grade 2 Councillor. These students represent the broader student community and serve as a link between the students, the teachers, and the administration. The student government met this week to brainstorm possible initiatives for this year. They thought of some great ideas including a hot chocolate day and more time at the field for outdoor games. These meetings are a great chance for students to bring forward any ideas to make CGS an even better place. Student voice is so valuable and we are grateful that our student government is so engaged and in tune with the ideas of other students.
At this meeting, the group worked on creating posters advertising their current initiative, the upcoming Soup Drive. This initiative is led by the student government and is done in support of St. Ann’s Food Bank. We are so proud of the hard work of our student government!