Terry Fox Honours

Look what Sara A found in her inbox this week? Our Terry Fox Top Fundraising badge accompanied by the lovely letter below from The Terry Fox Foundation. CGS ranked 7th in the Elementary School Division in Ontario. Well done CGS, this is a truly great accomplishment for a school of our size. We are up against all elementary schools in Ontario, including schools of well over 500 students. To quote Sara A, ‘We are small but mighty!” Thank you to the CGS community for making our CGS Terry Fox Walk so meaningful and successful every year.

Dear Sara,

Congratulations once again for ranking 7th on our Top 50 School Fundraisers of 2020 (elementary division)!  We hope the official top schools listing and congratulatory letter mailed to you conveyed our immense gratitude for your incredible work. There was no limit to Terry’s try in raising funds for cancer research and that same try exists in Children’s Garden School. Despite being deeply impacted by the global pandemic you remain committed to what Terry started.

We are so pleased to provide with you the attached 2020 Top Fundraiser digital badge. Please share this badge proudly with your entire community via your school website and social media platforms to serve as a reminder of your school’s unwavering commitment and passion in the fight against cancer.

Join with us as we begin to ask ourselves in 2021, “What would our biggest try look like?”  We are working on a number of new resources including virtual Fred Fox presentations, updated online resources, social media posts and more. We know there are still challenges ahead and we want to be there for you. Please reach out to us to share your thoughts, concerns, questions and requests on how we can help you with your fundraising campaign this year.

Thank you for your continued support of the Terry Fox Foundation.

With sincere thanks,

Nishi Bansal
Ontario School Department

T 1 888 836 9786 ext. 243
200–250 Ferrand Drive
Toronto ON M3C 3G8
terryfox.org Facebook Twitter