We Did It ~ CGS Spirit at Home Style!
We did it! Our CGS Spirit at Home program is a wrap and our 2019/20 school year has come to a close. It will certainly go on record as the most unique in the school’s 35-year history. It was truly a team effort and we thank you all for everything you’ve done to make it a successful experience for the children. Our final assemblies on Tuesday were no less teary for being virtual. They were definitely cooler though (no sweating in the pews this year)! It was very hard to say goodbye, especially after meeting the challenges of this very unusual term together. Marie presented the ribbons (including a new CGS Spirit at Home ribbon for everyone), Steve dropped by to declare the 2019/20 CGS House Winner (congratulations Pavo!) and classes shared memories with beautiful slideshows. It was also the time to air the Oh The Places You’ll Go video created by Mani and the Grade 1-3 classes for the first time. So fun! (Thank you Mani – we’re so glad you could join us this term.) The Year-End Awards were presented via video for the recipients separately this year. And as for the Staff song (brilliantly written by Sara A each year), it was sent out via private link today. We hope you’ve had a chance to watch it. A huge thank you to Zandée and her partner Beth for putting it together for us. To our graduates – we’re so proud of you. For those returning, we’ll see you in September, and for those not returning to CGS next year, we wish you good luck in your new schools. We’ll miss you. Stay healthy and safe CGS family!