What Does a Flower Need to Stay Healthy?
The Early Starts had an exciting afternoon conducting a science experiment with white carnations this week! We discussed what a flower needs to stay healthy and grow. Many children agreed that water and sun are very important. The children assisted in carefully pouring water into the four vases. With food colouring, we changed the colour of the water from clear, to red, green, yellow, and orange. The Early Starts loved watching the colour change. “What do you think will happen to the white flower if it drinks green water?” “The flower will turn green!” The children made their predictions of what colour the flowers will turn, based on the colour in each vase. We will come back to our flowers on Friday to see if the carnations have soaked up some colour. The Early Starts did a nice job taking turns participating and made some great predictions. We can’t wait to check up on our flowers and see if our predictions were accurate!
Dana, Anah, Sarah & Liz
Early Start Teachers
Children’s Garden School