Winter Solstice Games in the “House”! 

The shortest day, the longest night…winter’s chill takes a frosty bite.
Light a candle, cuddle near, 
Enjoy the season, Winter’s here! 

The night sky this week will be filled with shooting stars, an exceptionally bright moon, and an array of constellations to usher in the winter solstice on the 21st. As we prepared for the winter break at CGS, our constellation-inspired House System took part in our own version of “The Snowball Games”! 

“We’re reporting live from CGS as we welcome you to the December House Games! 
Coach Tony has gathered his teams…
Delphinus House, Draco House, Pavo House, and Pegasus House. 
Let the snowballs fly and the games begin!” 

Our CGS House System is used to foster a sense of family amongst our students, to develop school spirit, and encourage fair and healthy competition. At each House Games, our students “reach for the stars” as they earn house points throughout the year. 

As we wrap up Term One, and welcome the season of Winter, we wish you a season of warmth, light and joy.