CGS Virtual Talent Gets Real
Lights, Camera, Action… Press Play! This year’s Talent Show went virtual. Thank you so much to the students and families who submitted videos. Talents ranged from piano and singing to skateboarding and drawing. Even Sally, Mani’s kind, soft-spoken teaching assistant turtle, sang a song! For those of you familiar with this annual show, you know it is usually a big production on the stage. Although it was disappointing that the children couldn’t have that experience this year, there was a significant, unexpected silver lining. The fact that entries could be prerecorded meant talents were not limited to things that could be performed on stage. It was amazing to see the children put themselves out there in so many diverse ways! Congratulations to all the performers. Lastly, we have to thank our in-house, CGS family channel superstar, Mani, for editing and hosting the show. Sally also deserves high praise for her co-hosting duties. Bravo you two! Their Talent Show ribbons arrived in the mail today…