LOVE the Earth First

“Give children a chance to love the earth before we ask them to save it.”  ~ *David Sobel, educator

Earth Day is an annual opportunity in April to reflect on our earth; all the visual beauty and generous gifts it has to offer, and our responsibility to take care of in return for all of its brilliance. We read books about earth, we plant seeds and watch them grow, we play and learn outdoors for maximum exposure to our warmer April temperatures in Toronto. The learning opportunities are endless and help create our love and respect for the planet and nature that provides so much in return.

Senior Kindergarten Educator, Julia and Tinku, our Learning Strategies Educator planned a fabulous trip to THE WELL – “the city’s first truly integrated mixed-use project” located downtown. Our kids boarded the bus and headed south for an extremely visual and beautiful adventure!

Our destination: ARCADIA EARTH“an immersive learning centre and multi-sensory journey that combines creative art installations and exciting technology to inspire visitors to take action towards a more sustainable future”.

The experience was amazing! Each room was of a different theme and provided a stimulating sensory experience for our kids to enjoy the wondrous beauty and magnitude of our earth. The joy and excitement for the immersive experience was out of this world!  The CGS children had opportunity to learn, respect and appreciate our earth and therefore can appreciate their role in preserving it.

So let’s take some time to consider David Sobel’s thoughts and remember to always encourage love for our planet first. Our thoughtful intention to care for it will come naturally then.

*David Sobel is a trailblazing environmental educator who raised his children in the heart of nature. His story shows other parents how they can counter today’s pervasive ‘nature deficit.’