Aventures Françaises Amusantes à CGS!
Our CGS students thrive in French language class thanks to the welcoming and joyful teaching methods of resident French Educator, Xaviérine.
As we reflect on the incredible work our CGS students are mastering, we are reminded that beyond personal development and increased communication skills, early second language learners experience stronger executive functions, like planning, focussing, critical thinking, and multi-tasking. Learning a second language has proven to deepen education and provide opportunities in an increasingly globalized world. CGS believes learning French in early school years is crucial for cognitive development, cultural awareness, and advancing social skills. Overall, mastering French in early education is an investment in each of our students’ holistic growth, boosting confidence and preparing them for a diverse and interconnected future.
Our Early Start Classes experience many firsts throughout much of their day, and French class is no exception. They have been learning to identify themselves by name, and using words to describe their own emotions via conversational sentences like, “Qui est (prénom/émotion)?” (Who is (name/emotion)? and responding with “Je suis (prénom/émotion)” (I am (name/emotion). They read (and re-read!), Pop Mange de Toutes Les Couleurs, to explore the colours of the rainbow in a visual cause-and-effect demonstration as Pop the dinosaur changes colour as a result of what he eats along his daily travels.
French in our JK Classroom is an immersive experience where we make connections to the many everyday aspects of life. Our JK children also embarked on a delightful animal adventure through the book, Bon Appétit Monsieur Lapin, by associating the French language with colourful foods. The children love to play Lotto des Animaux – a game like Bingo, where they associate animals with sounds. Xaviérine often uses music to introduce and emphasize their French pronunciations and idioms through call-and-response; a fun way to increase comprehension, engage all students, and enhance our democratic learning environment.
Our SK Classroom is about to adventure on a special trip to Black Creek Pioneer Village, so Xaviérine has introduced a real-world context to enhance their experience. The traditions and celebrations of the different cultures that make up the Village provide a very special Christmas visit. Our SKs are growing more confident in their vocabulary as they learn songs for the upcoming season of festive cheer, and sing the holiday song, Neige Neige Blanche. The song Promenons Nous dans Les Bois, connects with learning the names of winter-weather clothing, and relates to the book, Je M’habille et Je te Croque, which centres around a wolf that dresses up before he can go outdoors and attempt to ‘mange les enfants’!
Our Grade 1 Students peek into the vividly colourful world of monsters through the book, Va-t-en, Grand Monstre Vert, which takes them on a journey of colours and various parts of the face. Students created their own monsters using pieces and parts and corresponding descriptive French language. The children engage in exercises like Memory, Bingo, Find the 7 Differences, and even a twist on the classic game, Guess Who, to enhance their vocabulary retention and to practice frequent conversational phrases like “Est-ce qu’il a __?” (Does he/she have __?) and “Il/Elle a __” (He/She has __). Our Grade 1 Students are ready to chat with you…en Français!
Our Grade 2 and 3 Class has transformed into a winter wonderland through captivating animated adventures like, The Fox and the Mouse, a wordless 3D animation that sparks imagination and creativity. The French lessons are built around the “Jeu des 7 familles (de l’hiver)” game, focusing on family characters and dynamics, winter animals, and fun hobbies. These exercises help our Grade 2s and 3s to learn negation, and express their wishes in French, saying “Je veux” (I want), to build their conversational skills.
French class at CGS isn’t only about books and lessons; it’s a vibrant journey filled with joy and hands-on experiences to make learning the French language a multi-modal adventure!