Pumpkin Patch and Preschool!

Some of our best and earliest memories happen at school. Can YOU remember your first Field Trip or first ride on a school bus? Our CGS Early Start/Preschool students boarded the bus and headed off to the Pumpkin Patch last week to make some memories of their own. Our Early Start Team of Liz, Cheryl…

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LOVE the Earth First

“Give children a chance to love the earth before we ask them to save it.”  ~ *David Sobel, educator Earth Day is an annual opportunity in April to reflect on our earth; all the visual beauty and generous gifts it has to offer, and our responsibility to take care of in return for all of…

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And Away we “Gogh”!

This week our grades 1 to 3 went on an incredible adventure to the Van Gogh Immersive Experience organized by our resident art teacher Carrie! It was a day filled with colours, paintings, and so much fun. Imagine walking into a world where paintings come to life, where you can touch the colours and feel…

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Grade 2-4 Yearend Overnight Trip to Norval!

Can you believe we’ve reached the end of the school year!? This last term flew by! But not before the long-awaited return of the Novral Overnight Sleepover Yearend field trip for our grade 2-4 students! CGS is so thankful that this trip is back in business after being closed all during covid. The Norval Sleepover…

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Happy As a Hippo at the Toronto Zoo!

Lions and Tigers and Rhinos- Oh my! Our JK to Grade 1 students adventured to the Toronto Zoo last Friday to visit and learn about all the different animals in the world! The Toronto Zoo hosts over 3000 animals represented through over 300 different species and our students explored the grounds in small groups with…

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Our Early Starts Hit the Mats!

What a fun and exciting first ever field trip for our Early Starts! Our Early Start students went to play and explore the Children’s Fitness Center of Canada (CFCC) here in Toronto! The CFCC is a gymnastics-based play and training gym for all youth ages starting as young as 18 months up to 18 years…

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Little Canada Field Trip

Our Grade 1 to 4 students ventured to the heart of downtown to visit the BIG Little Canada Exhibit! They got to experience our vast nation in the most intricate miniature form! Little Canada is a celebration of all things Canada for everyone who visits to enjoy. It’s a unique journey of discovery through the…

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End of March Madness!

After a long deserved 2-week spring break, our students have had a fun packed last week of March! Back to school always brings a bright and refreshing energy, which is exactly what we all needed for this busy week! We’ve had field trips, swimming lessons, special birthdays, new students, assemblies, first musical rehearsals, a day…

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Norval Maple Syrup Making Madness!

Today our JK, SK, and Grade 1 students took a field trip to the UCC Norval Outdoor School campus to explore and learn in wonderful mother nature. With it being Norval’s “Spring Maple Madness”, our students learned all about our Canadian staple sweet treat. All the students explored Norval’s vast outdoor playground. They toured the…

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CGS Highlights

Junior Kindergarten: Courageous! The JK’s created beautiful birds along with a nest using watercolour, pastels and paper pieces. The CGS character trait for the month of May is ‘Courageous’. The JK nests were made to help reinforce the importance of having courage to take risks – like a baby bird taking flight! The students discussed…

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